Dr. Pedro Orlando Mena Quiñones
Medical Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Welcome to DOCTOR DOMIC, doctors at home
Contact +34 649471094 / +34 965204473
We are a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ready to offer you the care you need in the comfort of your home. Learn more about us and the places we go.
Our doctors will come to you without you having to wait a long time or travel to receive the health care you need.
Receive nursing care in the comfortable environment of your home.
Opt for our individualized physiotherapy treatments without leaving home.
Medical Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Nurse with more than 15 years of professional experience.
Dedicated to neurological and musculoskeletal physiotherapy, specialist in Hydrotherapy.
Consult our medical articles to clarify doubts about our services, discover scientific curiosities and receive health advice.
El Médico Rehabilitador (Médico Especialista en Medicina Física y Rehabilitación o Fisiatra) es el profesional encargado de prescribir y coordinar…
Las inyecciones de corticoides son inyecciones que pueden ayudar a aliviar el dolor y la inflamación en un área específica…
El tratamiento mediante infiltración con ácido hialurónico consiste en el depósito de una dosis única de este en el punto…